A few days ago, I stumbled upon this blogpost in which the author proposes a way to restrict the type of binary functions to only allow for ones that are commutative. The key idea is to introduce unordered collections, and no, I’m not talking about Sets or Maps or whatever. Those data structures are actually quite ordered, in the sense that they contain the ordering information of their elements:
Data.Set.elems :: Set a -> [a]
Data.Map.elems :: Map k a -> [a]
The way I want you to think about it is this: if I can get a list from a Set/Map, which contains the ordering information of its elements, then that information must’ve already been contained in the original Set/Map!
But a truly unordered collection would not have any kind of ordering of its elements whatsoever, while still somehow allowing us to work with them. And any function that takes its arguments in a collection like that would be commutative by default because it wouldn’t be able to observe their order. There would be no order to observe.
A Truly Unordered Collection#
The aforementioned blogpost suggests implementing an unordered pair something like this:
newtype UnorderedPair a = UP
{ diffBy :: (a -> Bool) -> Either Bool (a, a) }
The idea, is that to access the elements of an unordered pair, we need to first differentiate between them.
We supply a function f :: a -> Bool
. If it returns different values for the elements of the pair,
then we have successfully differentiated between them, and we get them back (Right (a1, a2)
) where
f a1 == True
and f a2 == False
. Notice that the ordering of a1
and a2
is completely
determined by f
and not by any information already present in the UnorderedPair
But if f
returns the same value for both elements of the pair, then we have not
successfully differentiated between them, and we get back Left False
or Left True
depending on
the result of f
Basically, diffBy
classifies elements of UnorderedPair
using a predicate.
Another way to think about this is that we can only observe ordered data, so in order
to observe a1
and a2
we need to order them, and that’s exactly what f
attempts to do.
Another interesting analogy is that UnorderedPair a
is like two a’s superimposed perfectly on top of each other.
If you don’t know what type they are, then they look the same to you, and there is no way to separate them.
That is, unless you can find some sort of difference between them, which is what f
Anyway, now we can write stuff like this:
and :: UnorderedPair Bool -> Bool
and ub = case diffBy ub id of
Left True -> True -- both booleans are True
Right (b1, b2) -> False -- b1 is True, b2 is False
Left False -> False -- both booleans are False
or :: UnorderedPair Bool -> Bool
or ub = case diffBy ub id of
Left True -> True -- both booleans are True
Right (b1, b2) -> True -- b1 is True, b2 is False
Left False -> False -- both booleans are False
Now, as long as we construct unordered pairs correctly, functions and
and or
are guaranteed to be commutative, just from their type. Cool!

But, I hear you ask. What if we need a function that takes in 3 arguments, or 4 arguments,
or even… n arguments?
In other words, the next step is to somehow generalize UnorderedPair
into a collection that
can hold any number of elements.
Unordered N-tuples#
For brevity, I call this collection U
for “Unordered”. Here’s how I define it:
-- type level Nats
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- singleton types for Nats
data Natural (n :: Nat) where
NZ :: Natural Z
NS :: Natural n -> Natural (S n)
-- type family for adding Nats
type family (n :: Nat) :+: (m :: Nat) :: Nat where
Z :+: m = m
S n :+: m = S (n :+: m)
-- result of splitting U based on a predicate
data USplit (l :: Nat) a where
US :: U n a -> U m a -> USplit (n :+: m) a
-- the unordered collection
data U (n :: Nat) a where
U0 :: U Z a
U1 :: a -> U (S Z) a
UM :: Natural (S (S n))
-> ((a -> Bool) -> USplit (S (S n)) a)
-> U (S (S n)) a
The definition of U may seem overly complicated, but it’s based on a few basic principles:
U Z a
should be isomorphic to()
That’s whyU0
exists.U (S Z) a
should be isomorphic toa
That’s whyU1
exists.It should be possible to view the size of any
That’s whyUM
includes aNatural (S (S n))
as its first argument.Generalizing
, we get the ability to splitU (n :+: m) a
intoU n a
andU m a
, based on a predicate. So we useUSplit
to hold the results of this splitting. Notice, how this doesn’t create any new ordering, except for that which is created by the predicate.
Here are a few self-explanatory definitions that make working with U
natToInt :: Natural n -> Int
natToInt NZ = 0
natToInt (NS n) = 1 + natToInt n
natAdd :: Natural n -> Natural m -> Natural (n :+: m)
natAdd NZ m = m
natAdd (NS n) m = NS (natAdd n m)
unatlen :: U n a -> Natural n
unatlen U0 = NZ
unatlen (U1 _) = NS NZ
unatlen (UM n _) = n
ulen :: U n a -> Int
ulen = natToInt . unatlen
unull :: U n a -> Bool
unull U0 = True
unull _ = False
upush :: a -> U n a -> U (S n) a
upush a U0 = U1 a
upush a u@(U1 b) = UM (NS (NS NZ)) \g -> case (g a, g b) of
(True, True) -> US (upush a u) U0
(True, False) -> US (U1 a) (U1 b)
(False, True) -> US (U1 b) (U1 a)
(False, False) -> US U0 (upush a u)
upush a (UM n f) = UM (NS n) \g -> case (f g, g a) of
(US ts fs, True) -> US (upush a ts) fs
(US ts fs, False) -> unsafeCoerce $ US ts (upush a fs)
-- Btw, I use unsafeCoerce in the definition of upush
-- but it's justified in this case.
-- GHC is just too stupid to type check my code.
-- Or, more probably, I'm too stupid to write code that GHC can type check.
And here are a few not-so-self-explanatory ones:
-- very useful, super general function
ufold :: b -- if U is empty
-> (a -> b) -- if U has one element
-> (a -> Bool) -- predicate to split with
-> (USplit n a -> b) -- split handler
-> U n a -> b
ufold if0 if1 pred splitHandler u = case u of
U0 -> if0
U1 a -> if1 a
UM _ splitter -> splitHandler (splitter pred)
-- Vec type
data Vec (n :: Nat) a where
VNil :: Vec Z a
(:>) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
infixr 5 :>
-- "forgetful" function
-- forgets the ordering of elements in Vec
unorder :: Vec n a -> U n a
unorder VNil = U0
unorder (a :> as) = upush a (unorder as)
-- forgets the length of Vec
unlength :: (forall n . Vec n a -> b) -> [a] -> b
unlength f [] = f VNil
unlength f (a : as) = unlength (f . (a :>)) as
-- unfucks your polymorphic (guaranteed to be commutative) function.
unfuck :: (forall n . U n a -> b) -> [a] -> b
unfuck f = unlength (f . unorder)
So now we have an unordered collection U
that can hold any number of elements
and a full arsenal of functions to work with it.
I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to go out of my comfort zone like that,
but I think I want to try writing some actually executable code!
-- boolean operations
andU :: U n Bool -> Bool
andU = ufold True id id \(US ts fs) -> unull fs
and2 :: U (S (S Z)) Bool -> Bool
and2 = andU
-- >>> and2 $ unorder (True :> False :> VNil)
-- False
and :: [Bool] -> Bool
and = unfuck andU
orU :: U n Bool -> Bool
orU = ufold False id id \(US ts fs) -> not (unull ts)
or2 :: U (S (S Z)) Bool -> Bool
or2 = orU
-- >>> or2 $ unorder (True :> False :> VNil)
-- True
or :: [Bool] -> Bool
or = unfuck orU
-- adding function
add :: [Int] -> Int
add = unfuck addU
addU :: U n Int -> Int
addU = ufold 0 id (< 0) \(US neg nonNeg) ->
addNonNeg nonNeg - addPos (negate <$> neg)
addNonNeg :: U n Int -> Int
addNonNeg = ufold 0 id (== 0) \(US _ p) -> addPos p
addPos :: U n Int -> Int
addPos = ufold 0 id even \(US e o) ->
let e' = (`div` 2) <$> e
o' = (`div` 2) <$> o
in 2 * addNonNeg e' + ulen o + 2 * addNonNeg o'
-- >>> add [1, 2, 3, 4 , 5]
-- 15
This is actually pretty fun. Not practical, but fun. Writing add
was kinda like solving a puzzle.
You need to figure out what property of inputs you can use to split them on. Here, I was able to use dvisibility by 2, but I’m not sure how to, for example, write a function that multiplies the inputs.
Future work#
Here, I outline some of the things I wanted to do, but couldn’t figure out how to:
- Prove that any commutative function can be rewritten using
. Or prove otherwise. - Prove that
in fact, doesn’t have any ordering information.
This seems intuitive to me, but never the less, a formal proof would be nice. - See if
ubind :: U n (U m a) -> U (n :*: m) a
is possible to implement.
This would makeU
a kind of “parametrized monad-like”. - Find any practical applications for anything I’ve ever written :)
Oh, and if you want to play around with this, you can find all the code here.